Monday, March 28, 2016

Slider's Competition + St. Patrick's Day and Easter Party Recap!

Hey Chos,

A Slider's Competition is now active at this moment as it has been a while since we have had one of these contests! Beat other Chos by knocking their sliders off of the board! You have until March 31 until the competition ends! This competition is very intense with some Chos already having over 40 points! Good luck to all participants!

The St. Patrick's Day/ Easter Party was a blast with so many users that attended and the Staff that made it possible! There were lots of rain and magic, including magic never seen before! Half of the party was held on Cafe Street as we moved to the Agents' Underground to finish out the party and have a game of Pictionary! If a Cho answered a question right, they were moved on the Agent wall with a point beside of them. The Cho who got 3 points won! The Chos who were on the wall at the end were the only ones who could answer the questions and no more Chos were allowed up on the wall. All the Chos on the wall received wings of their choice of color and a certain amount of bugs! The Chos who weren't on the board had the chance to catch the same wings when they rained! Everyone had a blast! Thanks to all the Staff and every Cho who attended!

An amazing post made by:

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