Monday, March 28, 2016

Slider's Competition + St. Patrick's Day and Easter Party Recap!

Hey Chos,

A Slider's Competition is now active at this moment as it has been a while since we have had one of these contests! Beat other Chos by knocking their sliders off of the board! You have until March 31 until the competition ends! This competition is very intense with some Chos already having over 40 points! Good luck to all participants!

The St. Patrick's Day/ Easter Party was a blast with so many users that attended and the Staff that made it possible! There were lots of rain and magic, including magic never seen before! Half of the party was held on Cafe Street as we moved to the Agents' Underground to finish out the party and have a game of Pictionary! If a Cho answered a question right, they were moved on the Agent wall with a point beside of them. The Cho who got 3 points won! The Chos who were on the wall at the end were the only ones who could answer the questions and no more Chos were allowed up on the wall. All the Chos on the wall received wings of their choice of color and a certain amount of bugs! The Chos who weren't on the board had the chance to catch the same wings when they rained! Everyone had a blast! Thanks to all the Staff and every Cho who attended!

An amazing post made by:

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Garbage Collector Contest Winners, Elite Agent, Comic Competition Winners, and St. Patrick's Day + Easter Party!

Hey Chos,

The Garbage Collector contest has came to an end! Thanks to the winners and participants, Chotopia is free from garbage! Here is the scoreboard:
Photo credits goes to the Main Chotopia Blog!
1st place: 7 days of citizenship and 5,000 bugs!
2nd place: 5 days of citizenship and 3,500 bugs!
3rd place: 3 days of citizenship and 2,000 bugs!

Make sure you congratulate Orbit, Amora, and Oreo when you see them in-game!

The Team decided to create a new rank that is higher than an Agent, but lower than a Moderator! Elite Agent! I became the first Elite Agent!
As you can see, there is a new badge for Elite Agents! Also, Elite Agents have a black nametag/chat! Shadow created the Elite Agent Badge! Good job Shadow because it is awesome!

Shadow decided to make the Agent, Elite Agent, Moderator, Designer, and Developer Badges shine when you click on a Chobot's Playercard!

The Citizenship Badge Rain created has now been replaced with the original Citizenship Badge!

Swish hosted a Comic Competition on the Forum! It has ended! Here are the winners and runner-ups:
First Place: Cherry- Received Comic and Green Jerry Shirt
Second Place: Agent101(me)- Received Comic and Green Jerry Shirt
Runner-up: Pika/Antonio- Received Green Jerry Shirt
Runner-up: Kellybyee- Received Green Jerry Shirt

Make sure you congratulate the winners and runner-ups when you see them in-game!

St. Patrick's Day is on March 17th and Easter is on March 27th, so the Team decided to throw a party in between both holidays! Join us at Cafe Street on Saturday, March 26th at 10 PM CHO-TIME
(5PM EST, 2PM PST) Don't forget your green, as the Team will be picking winners with the best outfits to reward! This party will have never before seen Moderator Magic and so much more! Make sure you attend! Hope to see you all there!

An amazing post made by:

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring Blog Contest Winners, Chotopia Wallet, and New Agent!

Hey Chos,

The Spring Blog Competition has came to and end with two winners! Congratulations Cherry and Bebot!

Cherry's Blog!
Picture credits goes to the Main Chotopia Blog

Bebot's Blog
Picture credits goes to the Main Chotopia Blog

As you can tell, their Spring Blogs are amazing! Congratulations! Be sure to congratulate Cherry and Bebot when you see them in-game! Cherry received a feather item while Bebot already had a feather item, so Bebot received a blue crown shirt! Both winners also received money in their wallet.

Not only did the winners get rewarded, but the participated were rewarded as well with 3,000 bugs!

Be sure to congratulate all participants as well because all of the Spring headers were amazing!

The Team has decided to get rid of the Candies! The Candies have been replaced with the Chotopia Wallet!
Here is a post from the Main Chotopia Blog that tells you everything you need to know about the Chotopia Wallet.

Shadow hired a new agent, Clayton! Congratulations Clayton on Agency! Be sure to congratulate Clayton when you see him in-game! You can see that he does not have an Agent Badge because his Donator Badge covers it.

An amazing post made by:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Rope Competition, Spring Blogs, New Moderator, and New Notification!

Hey Chos,

UPDATE: Sadly, the Rope Competition has been canceled due to many Chobots cheating and playing unfairly. The Rope Contest has been replaced with Garbage Collector! The Garbage Collector Competition will go on until March 13, 2016, which is a week from today. Remember that the Spring Themed Blog Contest is still going on! It is never too late! Good luck to all participants! If you suspect/have proof of anyone cheating, contact a Staff Member or an Agent immediately!

Since the Pinball Contest has came to an end, the team decided to host a Rope Competition! Tug of war takes 2 or more players, so find a friend and start competing! Good luck! If you catch a person cheating, contact a staff member! Cheating includes using an auto-clicker program or creating various accounts!

The team also decided to have an out-game competition! For this competition, you have to decorate your blog in a spring related theme! The team will mostly focus on your blog header and will grade it based on the most eye-catching and in terms of creativity, choice of colors, and the style of your blog! To submit your Spring related themed blog, link your blog or comment the URL on the Main Chotopia Blog post! The blogs will be graded on March 7th, good luck to all of the participants!

The Moderation applications have been reviewed!

Congratulations Swish! You will make a great addition to the team! Make sure you congratulate Swish when you see him in-game!

The Designer(Illustrator) has not been decided on by the team!

If you try to buy something and don't have enough bugs, this will pop up on your screen!
If you click buy, you will be transported to the play page on a new tab!

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